Make Sure You Are Getting Enough Sleep to Wake Up Rejuvenated

Do you often wake up feeling tired and groggy? It seems like you can never get out of bed fully refreshed and revitalized for the rest of the day. Have you ever wondered if there are better ways to wake up? First, make sure you are practicing good sleep habits to be sure you are getting enough sleep. These include:3

Avoid the snooze button and keep a regular schedule: Are you someone who believes you simply can’t wake up on time without an alarm? The fact is, everyone has a biological process that informs their body about when to wake up and when it’s time to think about going to sleep. If you follow a regular bedtime and wake-up time, you will be able to get out of bed on time without feeling groggy. Alarms are helpful when our internal clocks aren’t working due to aging or travel. Beware of the snooze button! Hitting it might be tempting; but you should actually leave it alone. Resetting the alarm by frequently hitting the snooze button will only disrupt your sleep pattern and make you feel worse.

How much sleep are you getting? It is recommended that you get an adequate amount of sleep, which averages about 7-8 hours every night. A restorative sleep will help you with the following day’s decision-making, creativity, and self-discipline.

Follow good sleep hygiene: Sleep hygiene involves the habits that are required to optimize your sleep. Eat a balance diet including plenty of nutrients, and drink a lot of water during the day. It is also smart to minimize the use of electronics like Smartphones right before bed.

Choose an excellent alarm: If you are looking for an alarm that will allow you to wake up ecstatic and inspired for the rest of the day, download the Enlighten Your Day – Motivational Alarm Clock app. This alarm app allows you to wake up motivated by listening to motivational speeches every morning. The Enlighten Your Day – Motivational Alarm Clock app is available for download from the App Store for iOS devices.

Isn’t it great knowing that there are ways you can wake up with less difficulty in the morning?

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